Insight into the Mind of a Graduate Student

category EDCI 532

It is a meandering of thoughts while exploring curriculum studies and what they mean to me.

Baking Cake, Aoki and Meanings.

In the final task presented to the TIE cohort, we were to reflect on our journey and understanding of Ted Aoki through a narrated visual. This was my submission…

New Thought, Ideas, and Take-Aways

Unsplash+ In collaboration with Getty Images In Ted Aoki’s Chapter 24 Taiko Drums and Sushi, Perogies and Sauerkraut: Mirroring a Half-Life in Multicultural Curriculum, the most prominent and thought-provoking concept I took from this was the danger of multiculturalism as a… Continue Reading →

Open to All Worldviews

During my reading of Ted Aoki’s Chapter 19 Language, Culture, and Curriculum, I began to understand the complex relationships between educational practices and the connected nature of language and culture. My professional experiences have shown me that culture and language… Continue Reading →

Shifting Perspectives

EDCI 532: Assignment #3 Blog Post #7: Shifting Perspectives by Ashley Rowley I think being able to ‘improve’ or be flexible is vital for teaching. You never know what or who will come through the classroom doors and what live(d)… Continue Reading →

Assignment 2: Spinning Inspirited Images

The main idea I took away from this piece was the intricacies and nuances of the curriculum. The interwoven aspects of the planned and live(d) curriculum constantly change, forming parts of a whole and a whole of changing/transformative parts. Aoki… Continue Reading →

Am I ‘either/or’ or ‘this/that and more’?

While reading Aoki’s Chapter 16, Humiliating the Cartesian Ego, the concept of “this/that and more” struck a chord with me. Much of my teaching career has been focused on integrating technology to help 21st-century learners, so I am working to… Continue Reading →

Reflecting on Bridges and Eurocentrism

Upon reading Chapter 18, Imaginaries of “East and West”: Slippery Curricular Signifiers in Education, I gathered two ideas: the importance of bridges and the image of East and West.  Aoki brings to light the concept of bridges and how this… Continue Reading →

“What is Teaching” Aoki Reflections

While reading Chapter 8 Layered Voices of Teaching: The Uncannily Correct and the Elusively True, the TIE cohort and I are asked to reconsider and expand upon the questions of ‘where am I as a person/teacher/learn and where could I… Continue Reading →

Initial Understanding of the Non-Linear

Two concepts emerged from Jennifer Thom’s paper, Understanding Curriculum Admist Doing Curriculum Research; confusion and importance of all stories.  As I become more familiar with Ted Aoki’s concept of curriculum, I initially feel a sense of foreboding confusion.  Aoki’s idea… Continue Reading →

Introduction to Ted T. Aoki

I am just beginning to understand the life of Ted Tetsuo Aoki.  After reading “Reflections of a Japanese Canadian Teacher Experiencing Ethnicity”, I feel more connected to him as a person.  He faced numerous road blocks on his journey to… Continue Reading →

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